Friday, September 16, 2011

The Greater Good

I think its clear to anyone who knows me, or who has spent anytime browsing through this blog, that I love pretty things. Clothes, shoes, furniture, food... stuff. Why do I love pretty things? Because I was blessed to be born into a country, a family, and a culture where my everyday basic needs: food, shelter, physical safety and security... all of these were a "given;" Ever-present to the point that such essentials are easily taken for granted. And then, every so often... very gently and simply, I am blessed with a reminder of all that I have already been given. I remember to not only be thankful for what I have, but of how important it is to share of those blessings.

I came across one of those reminders in the site simple mom while searching for a recipe today. A recipe to make organic snack bars for my beautiful little girl, who hopefully will never know what it means to truly want for anything. While I didn't find the recipe here, I was inspired by this authors purpose. She works with a christian ministry called Compassion International who's purpose is to advocate for children to release them from physical, social, economic, and spiritual poverty. While Compassion is a Christian mission and every child who participates in a program is given the opportunity to learn about Jesus and discover how to develop a lifelong relationship with God, they do not require that any child subscribe to their religious beliefs in order to receive aid. Their commitment is to model their ministry after the true ministry of Jesus Christ, and Jesus healed, fed, clothed, and loved without discrimination, period.

So while I appreciate you taking my word on how touching reading through her site was, I would highly encourage you to read through this interview exchange  with Third World Symphony, a band also involved with the Ministry. Here are some excerpts which definitely spoke to me:
"...I'm not talking about intentionally living in poverty because of guilt- It's that contentment that contentment of just having enough. Not always wanting the next, the better, the newer. I'm learning daily to reconcile who I am as an American-it's not my fault I was born here-yet not buying into our culture that what we have isn't quite enough for our family. I still struggle with it. I love our tiny home and our one bathroom and our little living room, until we go to a friends house for dinner and they've got twice as much space and newer everything. And then I feel lame for a few days. I shake it off, rinse, repeat..."
"…I’ve told you before, my favorite song on this new album is Enough. Obviously it comes from Proverbs, about finding that sweet spot between poverty and riches. I’m pretty sure one of the reasons I love this song so much is because this particular verse… drives a lot of my decisions as I run SLM to be a blessing to both my family and the other editors’ families. I don’t write and write and write for gold-plated toilet paper and an out-of-control mortgage.
I write and work alongside Kyle so that we can have enough. To live in that sweet spot where our work doesn't rule us, but where we can eat our daily bread and thank God for warm beds while still remembering Who it is that daily provides...” 
 "...the song Enough is based on Proverbs 30:7-9. Those verses changed my life by changing the questions I ask myself. I stopped asking ‘How much is enough?‘ and started asking ‘Is God enough? If God and food for today are enough to make me happy, then I can give up anything God wants to make someone else happy. To give them food, medicine, education, a vocation, freedom, an opportunity to hear about God’s love for them.
 I didn’t build a ginormous house because 1400 square feet wasn’t enough for me. I didn’t own a dozen pair of $300 jeans made by slaves because the three pair of secondhand ones weren’t enough for me. I did it because daily bread and God weren’t enough for me. I’m ashamed to admit it, but some days that’s still true..."
"Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I befull and deny you and say, "Who is the LORD?" or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God." -Proverbs 30:7-9

Lots to think about I know, but pretty simple to take action on. Relate what $40 a month can do or buy in your own everyday life. Can you skimp on a latte here or there, or not buy that new shirt? I think its completely achievable, and I know that small contribution every month can make a much bigger impact elsewhere. Today, Isabella and I are both going to pick out a child to sponsor. For her, hopefully it will put a face to the reality of poverty, and hopefully help her to better understand her responsibility in the need versus want equation ever present in our sheltered American lives. If you'd like to join us, simply click here or the on the link in the sidebar. 

With that, I wish you all an excellent {hopefully sunny}weekend. Spend some time enjoying your world, family, and friends, or just some quality time with yourself. Just be sure to fit some joy and gratitude in there somewhere. 


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