Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Love...

Love. Remember for a moment what the holiday season is truly about. Celebrating the birth of our Lord and savior who sacrificed himself so that we might be saved- and all because of his love for us. Keep this verse in mind today, and every day. Remember it when you are cut off in traffic. Remember it when your little one's are being little terrors. Remember it when your significant other is being difficult. Remember it during times of trials and times of joy. Love is greatest among all things, and anchoring yourself in love will allow you to overcome all obstacles and challenges in your life, while never losing your peace, or your joy.

♥ Jen 
photo credits: 3. 2. 1. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wish I Had a River via Top of the Page

Every now and then, when I need a little lift, or need to be inspired in spirit, I head over to the Top of the Page a beautifully written, honest, powerful, heart-wrenching and/or uplifting faith-based blog authored by Leslie. I featured an excerpt from one of her posts on my about me page. I thought I would share with you the rest of that very post, as it is oh so relevant for me right now, and perhaps for you as well. Please head over to Leslie's Blog when you have a few minutes to spare. Get to know and love her. She is amazing, and I guarantee you will inspired and touched by her words.


Joni Mitchell's River is another of my all time favorite Christmas songs. 

I know, I know. I may have some opposition here. It's not really a Christmas song at all. It's more of a winter song. Not even a nod towards Jesus and the story of Christmas. But just bear with me; it's spiritual, under the surface. And actually quite moving to me. 

If you haven't already gathered, or happen to be reading this blog for the first time in your life, I am a melancholy girl through and through. I find beauty in not only the beautiful things in life, but the bittersweet and sad as well. To me, there is something poignantly lovely about the human experience from its splendor to its grief. God created all our emotions, not just the happy ones, and for His good purposes. That's why a good cry can feel so good. And hitting our limits forces us to look outside ourselves for a Savior. It is in the plea, when we're at our end, that we can find that which is truly life-giving. Personally, my moments of deepest grief, deepest pain, have resulted in the most beautiful seasons in my heart. I've met God more intimately in those moments than in all the other pleasant ones combined. What isn't completely lovely about that?

Back to River

It's comin' on Christmas. 
They're cutting down trees. 
They're putting up reindeer,
Singing songs of joy and peace.
Oh, I wish I had a river that I could skate away on. 

You know this song? Isn't it depressing? Before I listened closely, I thought, but why? Why is she so down on Christmas? The song rambles through a few verses of winter-themed commentary, but we don't get an answer to the question of "why" until about halfway in:

I wish I had a river that I could skate away on,
'Cause I made my baby cry...

I'm so hard to handle.
I'm selfish and I'm sad 
Now I've gone and lost the best baby 
That I ever had.
Oh I wish I had a river that I could skate away on.

There it is. Brokenness. Loss. Remorse. Hurt. The Plea.

And this plea - whether Joni Mitchell's herself, or merely an invented character - is not so different from ours. Hard to handle? Check. Selfish? Check. Sometimes sad? Check. Doing my share of damage to my loved ones? Check and sigh. Sometimes I plain hate the sound of my own voice by the end of the day.  

But the woman in River makes an unfortunate, though very human choice. Her plea causes her to decide to retreat. Now, I've had these days. Sometimes weeks. I stop offering my true self. A relationship gets messy and hurtful and maybe I don't deserve more. Maybe the damage is irreparable. Maybe I'm alone. I start to believe there's only one choice. 

Just. Skate. Away.

How many of us are way down that river in our hearts? How many of us have tried that route of managing our brokenness? Just skate away. All of us. Every one.

And you KNOW now why this is a Christmas song at its core. This messy, unpredictable, hurtful life spinning around us is exactly why Jesus came. 

In His immense love for us, He became Immanuel, God with us. Not because we deserved it, but precisely because we didn't. When we were way the heck down the river, He came to save us. He came to be with us when we were sure we were alone. 

In my life, I can tell you from experience, He continually works at melting all my rivers and quieting all my pleas. He gently reminds me that my plea, my yearning for healing and that abundant life, needs to turn me towards Him, not toward an icy path of resignation and retreat.

In River, again one of my favorite Christmas songs, Jesus whispers, I'm here. I've got this. So you can untie the skates.

Thank you Leslie! Your faith, openness, and honesty, is truly inspiring. Perfect food for thought on this chilly Sunday, exactly one week before Christmas day. Take time today, and every day, to remember what this season is truly about. Open yourself to Jesus in each and every moment of frustration and weakness you have each day, be thankful for His sacrifice, and His grace, and through it all and despite it all, you will have His joy.

photo credit: via Pinterest

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gift Guide: Little Lady

Clockwise from top right:
North American Bear Company Big Sister Doll: I love these dolls for their classic, squeezable design and variety of skin tones available. There are also lots of cute outfits and accessories to add to the fun. Perfect for 3-6 year olds.
Disney Tangled Deluxe Story Bag: My little one has just about all of the Disney Princesses in this style of figure. They are the perfect size for an older toddler or preschooler. Each figure stands about 3" tall, perfect for playing in her Melissa and Doug castle, or for mixed play with her Fisher Price Little People. She loves to change their outfits and act out her own little princess drama's.
Just Dance Kids for Nintendo Wii: Embarrassing admission ahead: I own the adult version of this game and play it on my own sometimes in lieu of traditional cardio. My little one has caught me a few times, and wants to join in the "fun." This version has kid appropriate moves and songs, so adults and little one's can get in on the action, without worry that your little princess is going to whip out some Brittney Spears dance moves in Pre-K.
Melissa and Doug Fold and Go Princess Castle: My little one has the full size version of this at home, and its so cute. This is perfect for younger kids, trips to Grandma's, or those short on space {the full size castle takes up a good three square feet of space!}. There is also an adorable Woodland Tree House version, perfect for playing with Calico Critters, or Tinkerbell and her Fairy Friends, as well as a castle version for boys, and a traditional dollhouse.
J. Crew Crewcuts Girls' Converse® Jack Purcell® metallic sneakers: I want one of everything for my little princess. Crewcuts is J Crew quality and styles translated for little bodies. Whats not to love?
Lego's Large Pink Brick Box: A classic for encouraging creative thinking, coordination, and spatial skills-- in girl friendly colors.
Leapfrog Leappad: The gift of the season for the 4-7 year old. My daughter received this for her birthday and plays with it daily. There are lots of educational games and books, and it is really a perfect item to keep kids quiet, occupied, and learning.
Classic Games: Jenga, Connect Four, and Operation: As much as I love the Wii and the Leappad for keeping my little one occupied when I need to do something, like cooking dinner, they are not a replacement for interaction with your children. These games are all classics, and perfect for an older toddler or preschooler to have some traditional family fun with mommy and daddy. 

Other gifts I love for little one's are books, classics such as Berenstain Bears, Veggie Tales, and Curious George are always fun for little one's, as well as mildly educational or informative; Outfits from Gap Kids are always adorable; and crafty gifts like this fairy garden, butterfly garden, make your own tutu set, paper flowers, or this flower fairy kit which encourage little thinkers to get creative are another solid winner.

♥ Jen

I'm Free!!!

Well, from school anyway...until January! I've been unintentionally absent for the past few weeks, as I've just completed my first full quarter of classes in more than 10 years. I must say, it was harder than I thought it would be. Balancing the workload from school, and my little one, along with normal everyday life was quite a challenge. But, apparently I'm up for it... even though I don't feel like it a lot of the time. I received straight A's in all of my classes. My little one is happy, and doing well. My apartment is fairly neat. Meals have been cooked. Laundry's been done. Puppy has been walked. So, all in all, I suppose even though I feel overwhelmed most of the time, I'm actually doing okay at this. 

I've still got such a long way to go. Better yet, I still have yet to determine where exactly I want to go. There are so many things that I love... How do I decide what to focus on for the near future? I've considered such a wide spectrum of career paths... Nurse Practitioner, Lawyer, Interior Design, Fashion Management/Marketing, Esthetician/Cosmetology, General Business, Human Resource Management, are a few... What to do? Excluding sudden success in my dream job {professional singer, who also founds a charity program benefiting children in need, designs a boutique fashion line and owns an organic cafe and bakery--yup...really!} my current plan is to simply finish up my A.A. in business, and go from there. But, I'll need to decide what to do from that point fairly quickly--Particularly if I elect to move towards a trade focus such as interior design or cosmetology, as these require additional specialty training. I have such a strong creative streak, as well as a desire to "make a difference" by helping others, all while performing a job that is at least somewhat challenging intellectually... Not to mention the fact that whatever I choose to do needs to earn a salary high enough to live on {which in my mind, is at least 60k annually}... That's quite a list that my potential career needs to fulfill. 

So that's what has been tumbling around in my head for the last few weeks, in addition to Christmas lists and Birthday plans... What am I doing with my life??? You know, just small stuff, no big deal. ☺ 
Hope all is well in your world!

♥ Jen

Friday, December 2, 2011

All I Want for Christmas

I normally love making wish lists- when they are for myself to lust after. However, when it comes to actually making lists for people who wish to gift me things, I have a much harder time of it. So, after much arm pulling, I have put together a birthday/christmas wish list for myself. All of these items are things I would buy for myself, so this wish list spans all categories.

I am indeed thankful for all that I have already been given, but I definitely wouldn't mind seeing any of these under my Christmas tree!

product photos via polyvore

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Love...

Beginning Each Week With a Bit of Inspiration...

There are many paths to walk in this life. It is a conscious choice to wake up each day and walk the sometimes challenging path towards an ever grateful heart. With Thanksgiving upon us this week, I thought it only right to take a moment to remind myself of the importance of making this choice daily. 

  "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." ~ Frederick Keonig

It is so easy to become lost in the materialism of this world and to forget to just be thankful for the precious things we have already been given. A true heart of gratitude will always turn what we have into enough, allowing us to live fully and joyfully regardless of our current circumstances. Someone once said that Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life, it can turn problems into gifts, chaos into clarity, failures into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and a sense of vision for tomorrow. 

Your happiness is inside you, you simply need to make the choice- You can choose feel and express gratitude daily for all things, the trials and the joys. You can choose to find happiness in small, everyday things. You can choose to interpret every event that occurs in your life in a positive way. This is not always an easy task. But it is the most worthwhile and fulfilling choice we can make for ourselves each day. Have Faith and be grateful for each day, even the tough ones. Treasure and be thankful for each moment, for each is truly a gift... treat it as such, and watch your life be transformed.

“In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  
1 Thes. 5:18

Have an amazing week.


photo credits: all via

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Must Read: Sweet Paul

I have just entered online magazine heaven. I stumbled across this fabulous read courtesy of a friendly Facebook post, and am absolutely enamored with the gorgeous photography and delicious, doable recipes!

Such beautiful, fabulous, food! You simply must check out the magazine {here} I promise you'll enjoy every page, and it will definitely inspire some great new holiday fare!


photo credits: all via sweet paul

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holiday Prep: Party Perfect Look #1

I don't have a lot of occasions to get dressed up nowadays. One of the many reasons I love the holidays, aside from the three f's {family, friends, and food!} is that they give me a rare opportunity to break out my make-up kit and get glammed up. With that in mind, I've put together a few head to toe looks which I'll be sharing with you over the next few weeks. By the way, I seriously can not believe Thanksgiving is this week! So not ready! Well, its time to get inspired and get yourself gorgeous... even if it is just for an amazing evening with the family!

Look #1: A Family Affair

Casually perfect hair, radiant make-up, and comfortably chic attire is what this occasion calls for.

Hair: Half up, or throw it into a voluminous pony.

Makeup: Beautifying Party Make-up by Lisa Eldridge {she is amazing!}

Fashion: Family Friendly Glam

Cozy Thanksgiving

Long sleeve cocktail dress, $265
MICHAEL Michael Kors fur vest, £240
Citizens of Humanity straight leg jeans, $200
Stuart weitzman pumps, $298
Gold clutch, $27
Lauren Conrad earrings, $8.40
Madewell bib necklace, $108

What are your go to holiday looks? Do you keep it simple or glam it up a bit? Either way, here's to a fun, fashionable, Thanksgiving week!

♥ Jen

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Needing to Be Inspired...

Do you ever have those days? The kind of day where nothing seems to go right. Where the pieces of your life seem to be crumbling all around you? Well... I'm having one of those weeks. I've been absent here for most of the past week. Sort of the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" concept has been playing itself out in my head. Not entirely healthy.

Well, today I'm done with that. So here it is:  Nothing seems to be going right. Nothing has been inspiring me. Nothing has been able to illuminate my path- I have been in a funk. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. A little lost. A lot sad. It could be school stress. It could be the constant state of discontent with the husband. It could be the weather... all I know is, I have not been a happy camper, and this fog needs lifting.

I've put it out there now. I've given it away. I'm done dwelling in the gloom of sadness. I've prayed that prayer, and am looking forward to the new light this week will bring. 

With all the digging for inspiration that I've done in the past week, I have discovered some exciting new sources and fun things to share... Once I'm thinking straight again I'll be able to formulate all the ideas into coherent posts to share with you.

In the meantime, here is hoping you had a wonderful weekend, and that you have a wonderful week. And if you too find yourself visiting the dark corners of your inner world anytime soon, remember that prayer, and remember too that sometimes we need to delve down into the darkness in order to remember where to look for the light.


photo credits: pinterest

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Real Face of Beauty.

Anyone who has read any of the posts here for any length of time know I love fashion and beauty. But alas, it is a love/hate relationship. I have posted my thoughts before {here}on the potentially negative effects of the fashion and beauty industries marketing tactics on our collective psyches. These videos, produced by Dove, demonstrate vividly the importance of the awareness of these issues. They also reiterate the importance of conveying the truth about the images and ideals bombarding our children on a daily basis. These videos focus on women, but I recently came across a very insightful video regarding these affects on men {here}. Take a moment to watch these videos... remind yourself of the reality behind the beauty and fashion industries. 

Love yourself, exactly as you are, each and every day. The clothing you put on, the make-up you wear... it only accentuates the true beauty within. The unique perfection of YOU is something to be treasured and to behold with awe and respect.


photo credit: via

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Love...

Beginning every week with a bit of inspiration...

If you are clothed in the peace and beauty that comes from within, all else is simply icing on an already perfect cake.

Have a Great Week!


photo credits 123

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Week Gone in a Blink

It's rainy. I am buried in books, again. And I just ran out of coffee. Not Good! So before I take a quick run to the store to replenish my java supply, I wanted to let you know I'll be wrapped up for the rest of this week with exams,  papers, and a group project. Not to mention planning the little one's birthday party next week... So, I will be back with fun things next week! Have a great weekend!


photo credits: 1 ♦  2 & 3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Peek Inside a Pretty House...

I love classic colonial style homes. I love black and white. I love neutrals with a dash of glamour. Indeed, I was absolutely enamored with designer Ted Tuttle's renovation of his Centralia home, which was featured in Elle Decor back in July.

I love his mix of high-low decor, and how he remained true to the classic styling of the home while incorporating some modern elements. Beautiful.

Get the Look


photo credits: 1-6 John Granen for Elle Decor , 7 created via Polyvore

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Love...

Beginning every week with a bit of inspiration...

Have an amazing week!


photo credit: pinterest

Happy Halloween!

Have a fabulous, fun, safe, Happy Halloween all!


photo credits: 123

Friday, October 28, 2011

Your Weekend...

How gorgeous is this photo? Alas, I am not spending my weekend in Paris, but a girl can dream. No, I'll be in Seattle, clouds and all, studying and readying for Halloween and forthcoming Birthdays. I hope you have something fabulously fun planned for your weekend. In case you are imminently homebound with various life obligations, here are a few fun links to peruse with your Saturday cup of coffee.

Still need a Halloween Costume? {Here} are some family friendly ideas for you...
Pregnant? No... well you and I seem to be in the minority these days as it seems every partnered gal I know is wielding a baby bump. {These} fun maternity dresses make pregnancy {almost} desirable!
So for us not pregnant ladies, {here} are some fun frocks ~on the cheap!~ courtesy of target!

Have a fabulous weekend all!


Healthy Living: My Favorite at Home Workout DVD's

I am soooo not a gym person. I don't like the general atmosphere, nor do I like to "glisten" in public. As working out has become an essential to me, this has led me on a never ending search for good workout DVD's. I've pretty much done them all, PX90, Hip Hop Whatever, Zumba, and many, many others. I get bored easily, and find myself annoyed quickly by the quirks of most "trainers" or "DVD personalities" as I like to think of them. It is really quite rare to come across a workout that is both effective and non-boring. With that in mind, I thought I would share a few of my favorites for all of my fellow gym-a-phobes out there! 

An excellent 40 minute strength workout combining techniques from yoga, ballet, and Pilates. The creator and instructor of this program, Sadie Lincoln, has a great {not annoying!} presence and exudes positivity in every second of this workout. Her goal is firm, long, lean muscles, with no bulk, and I can definitely support that goal! Throughout the workout she reasserts her focus on proper form, giving pointers on how to ensure you remain in proper alignment during the moves. This DVD has an excellent core segment that is challenging, yet puts no strain on your back thanks to the unique placement of a soft exercise ball or towel under your tailbone. I love the leg/back body segment, and always feel it the next day. The arm segment is a bit brief, but can made made more challenging with a slight weight increase (Sadie uses 2lb hand weights) for those more experienced. With its moderate length and nice flow, its easy to fit into any time of the day, and simple modifications can make it easier for beginners, or more challenging for those who are more experienced. This one is a definite favorite, that I look forward to doing, and I usually fit it in at least a few days a week.

Both of these workout are excellent, quick, but high intensity interval training workouts. Honestly, no matter what level I'm doing, I am usually pretty well exhausted by the end of a 30 minute period, and I think thats a good thing. Jillian uses a 3-2-1 circuit method, with 3 minutes of active strength training using weights, 2 minutes of high intensity cardio, and one minute of ab work for both programs. 30 day shred has 3 different workouts ranging from "beginner" level one to "advanced" level 3. Ripped in 30 has four different workouts, and is intended to progress weekly from the beginners to the most advanced workout. 

The "Rock it Out" workout is another great cardio workout, which also incorporates weights (can you tell I like to multitask in my workouts?) Its a pretty intense 46 minutes, but it  is choreographed well to the music and is dance oriented, so it's "fun." While I can't say I love Shaun T, he isn't his best he is unintentionally funny and at his worst is repetitive. The "hard-core abs" and "booty time" segments are intense targeted strength workouts, don't be fooled by the 10 minute time frame- you will be working! Bottom line, this is a good, intense workout with a dance theme, which well knock out your strength and cardio training for the day in under an hour. 

This is another great workout combining ballet, Pilates, and dance. A little longer than Barre3 at close to 60 minutes, this workout has a much longer Barre segment focusing on strength, grace, and balance in the body. It is also a fairly high tempo workout, so you will be getting some light cardio throughout, and should definitely work up a sweat. The trainer is easy to follow, and the set is light and bright... and the use Louis Ghost Chairs for their Barre work, so I have to give them some style points for that! I can not say enough about how much I have enjoyed incorporating this style of workout into my regime. While Pilates and Ballet are great on their own, I enjoy the variety of moves incorporated into these combined styles. They are fun, effective, and I feel like my overall posture and balance has improved since beginning them. 

You need a solid cardio workout? This is it. Hands down this is the best cardio workout I've done. A lot of classic moves like jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, ect. incorporated with strength moves and plyometrics {read: explosive jumping} which those of you who have done the P90 series will be very familiar with. While this workout is INTENSE, and fairly high impact, Amy is personable, and there are very clear modifiers offered for those of us who need them. My knees can't handle a ton of jumping or direct strain (Can't do lunges or side squats. Boo) so I have to follow the less intense modifiers for a portion of this workout, but I can tell you I am definitely still breathless! This workout follows the Tabata style of interval training with 20 seconds of intense cardio followed by 10 seconds of "rest" repeated multiple times to create a circuit. You will sweat. You will want to scream at the TV. But you also will get results! Isn't that the point after all?

I've got quite a few yoga DVD's and this is one of the only ones that I regularly use. Along the lines of "power yoga" this workout incorporates a relatively fast paced Vinyasa flow, along with strength and core moves. The instructor Ashley definitely proves her point that yoga can increase self-confidence, as this is definitely not an area in which she is lacking, but all of her training enables her to communicate exceptionally well throughout the workout. A nice addition to the standard cardio and strength training workouts in regular rotation.

So there you have it...A thorough round-up of my current faves for at home workouts. Do you have any tips to share for a gym-a-phobe? What are your favorite at home workouts?


photo credits: 12, 3-7