Jesus is: Love, Grace, Acceptance, Forgiveness, My savior, My Everything. 

Do you know what the problem with religion is? RELIGION. We don't need tradition, judgement, or hypocrisy. There is enough of that in the world today without receiving it from a church. We ONLY need Jesus. A personal, one-on-one relationship with the one and only true salvation for this world, and for you and I. If you haven't experienced the true freedom, joy, and unfailing love that can be found only in Christ, you are not living your life to the fullest. Drop any pretense or preconceptions you have been taught about Christianity. Christianity is only a religion. Jesus is the way. The only way to true peace and happiness in this world, and the next. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or does. This is about you, and only you. Open your heart to Him, and your world will forever be changed. 

With that said, I LOVE my church, and wouldn't give it up for the world. We have an amazing pastor and an incredibly warm and welcoming community. Come as you are, you will never be judged inside these four walls. We are only like-minded sinners, coming together to praise and worship our Lord. Its a good time.

a place to

We’re all in this together. No matter our history, circumstances, or goals, we‘re all human and all need love and acceptance. That’s why the church exists—and why you belong.

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