Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Needing to Be Inspired...

Do you ever have those days? The kind of day where nothing seems to go right. Where the pieces of your life seem to be crumbling all around you? Well... I'm having one of those weeks. I've been absent here for most of the past week. Sort of the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" concept has been playing itself out in my head. Not entirely healthy.

Well, today I'm done with that. So here it is:  Nothing seems to be going right. Nothing has been inspiring me. Nothing has been able to illuminate my path- I have been in a funk. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. A little lost. A lot sad. It could be school stress. It could be the constant state of discontent with the husband. It could be the weather... all I know is, I have not been a happy camper, and this fog needs lifting.

I've put it out there now. I've given it away. I'm done dwelling in the gloom of sadness. I've prayed that prayer, and am looking forward to the new light this week will bring. 

With all the digging for inspiration that I've done in the past week, I have discovered some exciting new sources and fun things to share... Once I'm thinking straight again I'll be able to formulate all the ideas into coherent posts to share with you.

In the meantime, here is hoping you had a wonderful weekend, and that you have a wonderful week. And if you too find yourself visiting the dark corners of your inner world anytime soon, remember that prayer, and remember too that sometimes we need to delve down into the darkness in order to remember where to look for the light.


photo credits: pinterest

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