Thursday, August 18, 2011

Blogger MIA

So, about four months ago, I went on a little vacation to San Francisco. When we returned, abruptly life started throwing some serious kinks in my daily routine. Not that I'm not up for the occasional challenge, but things sort of went crazy on all sides really quickly. Work was nuts. Home was nuts. Not surprisingly, I developed severe and debilitating migraine headaches. Unfortunately, the headaches were often triggered and intensified by exposure to bright light, so my MD nixed any computer use of more than 15 minute sessions. Many doctors appointments later, I decided enough was enough. Something had to go... so after much discussion with the husband, I decided to put in my notice at work, pull the little one out of extended daycare, and return my focus to home and health.

Fast forward two months... The headaches are gone. I'm able to sleep and workout again, and drumroll, please... Back to blogging -and killing time reading all my faves as well. So I'll be taking it a little slower for a while, posting a few times weekly rather than daily, but I'm pretty excited for all the positive changes that have happened so far in this new chapter, and look forward to sharing much as I move forward.

Here is a quick photo run of what I've been up to for the past few months!

Snoqualmie Falls 

Over the river and through the woods...

 To Mimi's Beach House we go...

We have had a wonderful first month at home with my little one, enjoying what beautiful days we have been blessed with here in the Pacific Northwest, and our time together. I'll be back soon with more good things to share. Lots of good things coming in the next few weeks!

♥ Jen

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